Elite & VIP Membership Savings Program

With an Elite Aesthetics Membership, you enjoy discounted rates on products and services, exclusive savings at parties and member events, and additional perks throughout the year.


Tier 1 - VIP

$100 in client wallet each month

20% off all products and services

The set up fee of $100 is due at the time you sign up for a membership, as well as $100 that will go directly to your client wallet to use the same day, if you choose.

The recurring $100 monthly charge will be stored in your client wallet for you to use at your discretion.

All setup fees and monthly charges are non-refundable.

Tier 2 - Elite

$50 in client wallet each month

10% off all products and services

The set up fee of $50 is due at the time you sign up for a membership, as well as $50 that will go directly to your client wallet to use the same day, if you choose.

The recurring $50 monthly charge will be stored in your client wallet for you to use at your discretion.

All setup fees and monthly charges are non-refundable.


The reoccuring monthly charge can be used toward any product or service offered at Elite Aesthetics. It can also be saved for use toward a future product or service. Discounts are applied immediately after membership sign up is completed. Patients must provide accurate, current, and complete account information in order to participate.

A debit or credit card will be kept on file for monthly automatic withdraw. Patients agree to update their account and other information, including email address and credit card numbers. Membership funds and status can be accessed through the individual’s client wallet in Aesthetic Record.

Membership may be placed on hold or cancelled at any time, but adequate notice must be given to Elite Aesthetics before the next billing cycle. Once a membership has been cancelled, all membership benefits are forfeited. Membership Bank is non-refundable and can only be used toward products or services in the event of cancellation.

Memberships are not shareable or transferable.

Multiple membership enrollments are not eligible for stacked discounts.

Individuals who voluntarily cancel a membership that wish to renew will be charged the membership setup fee.

Elite Aesthetics reserves the right to modify or discontinue the service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time. 


Signing up is easy — you can sign up at any time in either of our offices. Questions? Click the button below to submit a contact form and one of our staff will reach out to assist.